This is pistol, his name tells all the story you will need to know. Oh, they one to the left my cousin (E), he was my partner in crime growing up!
Meet the cat, I am sorry to say I never got her name. I did get alot of squeaking from our daughter who was thrilled when her cousin named one of the newborn kittens after her. I understand they made some type of "pact" for her to keep the little thing until we return. That should thrill her father who is deathly allergic to cats!
Here is a picture of our two little conspirators and of course our daughter's namesake. They just look like they are up to no good!
Ahhhhh to be a kid. The girls spent a fair amount of our visit perched upon this tree swing. The simple joys of childhood it is a pleasure to watch. We had a really good visit and a great time "reliving" some of our own special childhood memories! We look forward to our next get together and here is to ensuring it doesn't take as long to get us all together again!

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