Saturday, April 3, 2010

What goes up....must come down!

What goes up must come down and that could not be any truer than with wallpaper. My Mother has been hard at work stripping the wallpaper from the dining room. We really debated about whether we should leave it up or take it down. The removal of the wooden oak shelves and a cabinet unit sealed the deal, when we noted holes in the wallpaper from the screws and no way to patch it without it being obvious. So, Mom broke out Joe’s scaffolding and proceeded to stripping the wallpaper. Mom’s pal “R” came over one afternoon and joined in on the fun as well.
You know being able to hang wallpaper (well) is a definite art one that my mother has truly perfected. In addition, it goes without saying that stripping wallpaper requires skill as well. If you haven’t prepared your walls prior to hanging it you are in for a world of hurt and huge damage upon removing it….that is if you can get it off the walls.
Mom made great time with this removal job. It always amazes me how much we love the wallpaper when it goes up, and how much we love the wallpaper when it comes down. I guess it is more the fact that we have lived with it for several years and the ewwwww and ahhhhh factor has worn off so it is time for a change.
The reason Mom was stripping with such haste is Joe is returning to paint the dining room. We finally settled upon some colors and he will be here within a few days to get the job done! So Mom you better get to steppin'.

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